Monday - Friday 07:30 - 17:30, Saturday 07:30 - 16:00

The modern and sturdy choice
Engineered floor fitting

Advanced installation methodology
High-quality wood floor adhesive
Variety of fitting compositions

Engineered Floor Fitting in London

Engineered floor fitting in London | Floor Fitting Experts

We've seen poorly installed engineered wood flooring so many times in our company's existence in London. We are engineered floor fitting collegiate and never blame it on unprofessionalism. Sometimes it comes to DIY projects, sometimes as a result of poor subfloor preparation, incorrect engineered floor fitting, humidity in London can be an issue too. Engineered wood flooring can add so much unique style and comfort to your home and you want it installed the right way. There are several methods you can choose from, but better leave it on our experts of engineered floor fitting to choose the proper methodology, depending on subfloor and environment, preparation needed and we will also provide information for upcoming maintenance.

The row of steps needed for perfect engineered floor fitting, according to our high-quality engineered floor fitting standards are:

  • Acclimatisation – engineered wood material can change due to moisture and heat. This is the natural wood character and especially the engineered floor fitting movement is an issue. Engineered wood planks can get damp during transportation and moisture level in-store. That is the reason flooring have to be left to acclimatise with the room temperature and humidity where the engineered floor fitting is planned.
  • Engineered floor fitting with adhesive – One of the methods for engineered floor fitting consists of glueing the planks directly onto the subfloor, being concrete or plywood. The subfloor has to be perfectly smooth to prevent uneven installation results. When the subfloor isn't levelled or clean, adhesive for engineered floor fitting can react and cause movement of the installed flooring. Also, if the moisture level of concrete is too high, we have to wait until it dries or apply an underlayment moisture barrier. If you have a wooden floor base, we need to lay a plywood layer before engineered floor fitting.
  • Important part of glue-down engineered floor fitting are the products used. We use the best adhesive products in London’s market.
  • Due to engineered floor fitting, we leave an expansion gap around the perimeter of the room, because of the risk of expanding with time after the fitting project due to some reasons.
  • Engineered floor fitting in particular engineered wood planks can be nailed down into the existing plywood base. To avoid movement and cracking we ensure the condition of the plywood base. To avoid movement and sound, for engineered floor fitting we can also apply an underlayment insulation barrier. For the best results of engineered floor fitting, we will focus on soundproofing and thicker underlay.
  • The floating installation – sometimes the concrete below engineered floor fitting can’t be levelled for some reason, or there are many pipes and cables running and in that case, the floating installation is recommended. One engineered floor fitting that uses floating installation is the system of glueing, nailing or clicking the lumber planks to each other, skipping placing them directly on the subfloor. This method gives great installation flexibility and proves that engineered wood fitting can be installed everywhere if done by professional engineered floor fitting technicians.
  • Engineered floor fitting is not only for flooring, as the name suggests. You choose engineered floor fitting in different options to invest in. Many people in London want to replace their old wood stairs with engineered wood flooring because they look elegant and are solid and long-lasting. Stairs installation requires skill and patience and it's better to hire engineered floor fitting professionals from Floor Fitting Experts. You can enjoy engineered wood flooring’s natural beauty and amazing functionality and comfort anywhere.

Engineered floor fitting requires a high level of concentration and professional skills because every wooden plank should be sized and cut precise. It's not an easy task and you better call for professional wood floor fitting help on 020 70360624.

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